Decoding the sense of effort

You are cordially invited to attend a virtual workshop entitled, “Decoding the sense of effort” on January 21, 2021 at 9:15am

This workshop is a unique opportunity to discuss the neural origin of the sense of effort and its function in motor activity regulation with renowned international experts:

  • Trevor Allen (with the participation of Uwe Proske), Melbourne University, Australia
  • Benjamin Pageaux, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Alexandre Zénon, CNRS, Université de Bordeaux, France
  • Mathias Pessiglione, Institut du Cerveau, Paris, France
  • Stéphane Perrey, Université de Montpellier, France
  • Mathieu Gruet, Université de Toulon, France

This workshop will take place online via Zoom and will also be streamed in live on Florian Monjo’s YouTube channel.

Here is the link to the Zoom conference:


If you are interested in exchanging with the various experts during the question/debate/answer times, please inform Florian Monjo ( of your interest in assisting with the Workshop.

All the information regarding the workshop (topic presentation, schedule, abstracts) can be found by clicking himage002.jpgere.

Please save the date in your agenda.




Inscrivez-vous auprès de , puis suivez la visioconférence sur Zoom (lien à venir) ou sur sa chaîne youtube !




Date de mise en ligne
4 Jan, 21
Nom(s) du/de la/des confériencier(e/s)
cf programme ci-dessus
Discipline scientifique
Neurosciences, STAPS
Institution de rattachement
Université Côte d'Azur, LAMHESS
Email de l'auteur du message