Doctorat – PhD position / Nice

This doctoral project is funded. The candidate will be registered at the doctoral school Sciences du Mouvement Humain (463SMH). The project entail following objectives:

Benefits of sports practice have been largely identified in the literature. Nevertheless, sports clubs have rarely been solicited as a vector of health promotion. In relationship with recent work on the development of sport clubs as health promoting settings (Kokko et al., 2014), this thesis project will question the place of health promotion in sports clubs, and its impact on athletes’ physical, social and mental health. Based on evidences and guideline of the Erasmus+ Sport Clubs for Health group, this thesis explores different issues: 1) Creation of a health promotion measurement in sport clubs, 2) exploration of the acceptability of a health promotion intervention by coaches, 3) Capitalization of existing initiatives of health promotion in sport clubs in France, 4) Development and piloting of an intervention to promote health within sport clubs, 5) Evaluation of the efficacy of the pilot intervention.

Auteur du message
Aurélie Van Hoye
Discipline scientifique
STAPS, santé publique
Lieu et institution de rattachement
LAMHESS, Université Cote d'Azur, Nice
Pièce jointe