Moving Together: Increasing Physical Activity in Older Adults and Children with a Technology-Based Intervention
This scholarship is for a joint Swansea-Grenoble PhD. During the candidature the successful applicant will spend time at the College of Engineering, Swansea University and the Sport and Social Environment Laboratory, at Université Grenoble Alpes.
Project start date: 1 October 2017
Interviews are expected to be scheduled for the week commencing 26 June 2017.
Older adults and young children are insufficiently physically active, with associated detrimental consequences for physiological and psychosocial health. Increasing physical activity in these groups presents a major health challenge. Older adults face numerous barriers to being physically active, including stereotypes of ageing. Research has demonstrated the success of interventions aimed at challenging ageing stereotypes, and notably intergenerationally-supported physical activity. This research program will develop and test the effectiveness of a technology-based intervention to support intergenerational behaviour change and challenge stereotypes of ageing, to increase physical activity and improve well-being in older adults and young children.
Supervisors will include Drs Hudson and Chalabaev who offer expertise in Psychology and Older Adults. The research team will also involve Drs Mackintosh and McNarry, who offer expertise in physical activity measurement and outcomes, and Dr Eslambolchilar, who offers expertise in technology-based interventions.
At Swansea University, the A-STEM (Applied Sports, Technology and Exercise Medicine) Research Centre research submission to the REF2014 was ranked 15th overall and 5th for Impact, demonstrating substantial quality and expertise in producing and translating research to enhance quality of life and professional practice. At the Université Grenoble Alpes, the Sport and Social Environment (SENS) Laboratory focuses on sport development from a human and social sciences perspective. The Motivation for Physical Activity team at the SENS Laboratory works on identifying the motivational determinants of physical activity behaviours, and on developing interventions aimed at promoting physical activity engagement. The SENS Laboratory was ranked A by the AERES in 2010, illustrating the excellence of the Laboratory in terms of scientific production, PhD training, and socio-economic integration.
As this is a joint degree applicants must meet entry / funder requirements of both Universities, namely:
Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes:
Applicants must hold a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline (Sport and Exercise Science, Health Science, Psychology, Social Science).
Swansea University:
Either a First class Honours Degree with a Master’s Degree in a relevant discipline (Sport and Exercise Science, Health Science, Psychology, Social Science) or, a Master Degree with Distinction in a relevant discipline (Sport and Exercise Science, Health Science, Psychology, Social Science).
Required experience and skills:
- Conducting multidisciplinary research
- Use of qualitative and quantitative research methods
- Working in a team
- Communication with different populations
Due to funding restrictions, this studentship is open to UK/EU candidates only.
The studentship covers the full cost of UK/EU tuition fees plus a stipend of £14,553 (RCUK rate) provided by Swansea University and Université Grenoble Alpes.
The student will also receive funds of £500 per annum to assist with travel and accommodation.
How to Apply
To apply please complete the following documents and send to Dr Vivienne Jenkins (
- College of Engineering Research Scholarship Application Form
- CV
- Covering letter
Informal enquiries about this studentship are welcome and may be directed to Dr Joanne Hudson ( / +44 (0)1792 513162) or Dr Aïna Chalabaev ( / +33 (0)4 76 63 50 81).