What is it?
The ACAPS Young Researchers Network (YRN) aims to bring together young research students (Master Researchers, PhD Student, Post-Doctoral Student, Young Lecturers) in sport and motor sciences.
What are its purposes?
Our ambition is to address some of the challenges faced by young researchers.
(1) To facilitate scientific exchanges, whether between young researchers, with senior researchers, with companies or with other scientific societies.
(2) To act as an information relay, in order to keep you informed of certain events that may be relevant to you, and to share the information that you send us with the entire community.
(3) To represent you and defend/advocate your interests on the ACAPS Executive Board.
(4) Organize common events that speak to all the members of the network, with the objective of initiating you, perfecting you and better knowing certain techniques, methods, practices, software, web platforms, which can be useful to you in your daily life as young researchers.
(5) And to try to answer your questions as well as possible, to bring your suggestions and to involve you in the life of the network.
When do network members meet?
We usually meet once a year.
Once at the ACAPS conference every two years, where we conduct an animation and elections for the two YRN coordinators sitting on the ACAPS Executive Board.
And a second time, in years without a congress, to organize a full day around a theme that we consider useful for young researchers.
Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to cancel our Young Researchers’ Day. We used this occasion to change the format of the event and organized a series of webinars. A format that we could repeat in the future, in the years without ACAPS congresses.
Who are we? (Mandate 2019-2021)
We were elected at the ACAPS 2019 congress in Paris by the members of the YRN, for two years.
Clément GINOUX
Coordinator of the Young Researchers Network,
Member of the Board since 2019
I am a post-doctoral researcher at the University Grenoble Alpes, in the SENS Laboratory (EA 3742). I did a thesis at the SENS laboratory, in sport psychology, on the beneficial effect of physical activity on professional well-being (burnout and recovery), and the role of motivation and the satisfaction of psychological needs in this improvement.
Coordinateur du Réseau Jeunes Chercheurs,
Membre du CA depuis 2019
Coordinator of the Young Researchers Network,
Member of the Board since 2019
I am currently a PhD student at the University of Lille, at the URePSSS Laboratory (EA 7369). My research focuses on physical literacy and the promotion of physically active lifestyles.
Email : josephgandrieau@gmail.com
Our program for these two years of mandate
(1) Creation of a Facebook group ” YRN ACAPS “, close to the FB page of ACAPS (discussion, sharing, mutual aid group)
(2) Structure the YRN with a « YRN Committee” with two members per discipline.
(3) “The YRN Newsletter”, published twice a year, with the “Save the date of the ACAPS YRN”, a report on the theses “in defense” or defended, the upcoming doctoral training courses or the mobility aids in progress.
(4) Creation of an ACAPS Thesis Award, distributed every two years during the gala dinner of the congress.
(5) Developing the publication of YRN Posts on the ACAPS Blog, to increase the visibility of thesis projects on the ACAPS Blog.
(6) Implementation of a day for young researchers on the theme of Open Science.