Ph.D Position at the Speech and Cognition Department of GIPSA-lab (Grenoble)

Topic: Effort and Coordination of speech gestures

Disciplines: Phonetics, Biomechanics, Physiology, Cognition

Supervision: Maëva Garnier, Pascal Perrier, Franck Quaine

Duration: 3 years (starting between Sept and Dec 2015)

Contact:   /  +33 4 76 57 50 61

Salary: 1400 euros/month + possible additional teaching activities

Please find some more details about the Ph.D position in the attached file
Applications must be sent with a CV and a motivation letter before June, 1st.

Auteur du message
PERREY Stéphane
Discipline scientifique
Phonetics, Biomechanics, Physiology, Cognition
Lieu et institution de rattachement
GIPSA-lab, Speech and Cognition Department
Pièce jointe