A full-time postdoctoral fellow position is available in the COMETE laboratory (http://comete.unicaen.fr), under the supervision of Pr. Gaëlle Quarck and Dr. Nicolas Bessot.
This project is funded by a regional/European grant for two years. It will contribute to the study of the effects of different interventions aiming at improving sleep in the elderly (physical activity, luminotherapy, vestibular stimulation…) on sleep patterns (polysomnography, actimetry), cognition, and physical abilities. It is the result of a collaboration between researchers in the domains of sleep, cognition and physical activities, and companies developing innovative technologies implemented for home-based interventions and physiological evaluations. Two postdoctoral fellows will share the task of supervising this project aiming at studying around 300 participants.
Post-doctorat – Caen
Auteur du message
Quarck Gaëlle
Discipline scientifique
Lieu et institution de rattachement
Université de Caen
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